Garbage Pickup Delayed to Wed 1/22:  Due to Inclement weather, trash collection has been delayed to Wednesday, 1/22. 

Prevent Property Fraud Happening to You

Property fraud can occur if someone forges your identity and transfers your property into their name and records a document in the Official Records. This fraudulent activity can make it appear as if that person owns your home or property, and you may have no idea that it happened!

Property Fraud Alert is an online subscription service offered to the public that
allows them to have their name monitored within the Columbia County Register of
Deed’s Office in order to track possible fraudulent recordings that affect their
property. Property Fraud Alert is a FREE service that will notify you via phone or
email if a document is recorded in Columbia County under your name.
Property Fraud Alert is now available by subscription on the web or by calling 800-728-3858. The Property
Fraud Alert link is also available from the Columbia County website.